2010年1月13日 星期三

Happy Birthday to Me 祝我生日快樂!

Time flies. I can't believe I'm thirty years old now. It's sad that youth become so so far away.
However, I feel satisfied about my current life, because I have a sweet family, two lovely kids especially.

For my birthday, my young brother bought me a beautiful cake and my families got togeether to celebrat. Besides this, I received an exquisite gift from my dearest husband and many messages of blessing from many good friends and relatives. I was very happy and had a unforgettable time on my birthday this year. Accoring to convention, I made three wishes. Firstly, I wish all people healthy and happy. Probably I felt sick recently, I realized health is a very very important thing in our life. Secondly, everything will goes well for all of us and our every dreams and wishes will come true. Finally, third wish is a secret. Ho~

4 則留言:

  1. 遲來的祝福~ 生日快樂喔^^ 幸福的媽咪!!


  2. Happy Birthday!!! (tho it's a lil late lol)


  3. Dear Celine,

    Thx for your blessing.

  4. Dear Peggy

